Yes, you can! A Cpanel/WHM reseller account can be set up in a number of different ways. However, we do allow you to create your own plan sizes and pricing, so you aren't restricted in how you...
No, we don't allow this. While we allow you (as a reseller) SSH access with a valid reason, for security reasons, we don't allow you to give such access to your clients.
Yes, you can. To accomplish this, you can use the Cpanel branding feature, as explained here:
Since WHM is a control panel for you to control your own clients in, no your clients don't get a WHM login. However, every account you create in WHM does get a Cpanel login. From Cpanel, your...
Our reseller accounts allow you to create and manage your own hosting customers via the Web Host Manager control panel. Web Host Manager (WHM) is the main control panel that controls every aspect...